Wednesday, April 25, 2012


How can I overcome procrastination? I am going to go to and type in ways to overcome procrastination to see what information comes up. I am also going to go the library databases online and see what kind of information about procrastination I can find. The answer to my question is to learn how to manage my time.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Changes to Social Networks (Analysis)

Mandatory Changes to Social Networks
Change is to make form of something from what it would be if it was left alone. It can be good and it can also be bad. Change is something that society seems to take a while to adjust to. Most often when changes are being made the public gets to have an opinion on the changes. In the article “Mandatory changes for Facebook, Google users reignite debate”, author  Bryan DeVasher argues, Facebook and Google are making mandatory changes and there is nothing that users can do about it. The author strengthens his claim by informing his readers on the reasons that the sites are making these changes and giving examples of what these changes will allow to occur.
            Facebook is making changes to their website and Google is making changes to their privacy policy. Over the past few years, Facebook has been constantly adding, removing, and changing their website but this time the change is required for all users. The users are not sparking feud over the fact that Facebook and Google are making changes to the website. The dilemma is that they have no say so in the changes that are being made. With the development of new technology, social websites, and search engines a change should have been expected.
            Facebook is using a timeline to put all posts from the past together. The timeline will organize user’s posts in a way that if users are looking for a post that they posted or someone posted in the past years it would be easier to find. “…A scrapbook-like profile page that gathers every post a user has made and arranges them by year” (DeVasher). It will organize the users post by the year that it was posted. The timeline is simply just a form of organization to have everything organized in a more professional format.
            Facebook changes to their website will make things more accessible by making photos albums and users profile pictures will be accessible as soon as users click to view other user’s profiles. Organizing the comments by year will make it more easier for people to look for previous comments. For example, if a user is looking for a comment that that was posted in 2001 and it is now 2012 they can just click 2001 and it will show all comments from that year. “…this comment becomes accessible again”(DeVasher). Making the comments more accessible for the users will make them feel more comfortable using the site. Providing easier access to get information would definitely make users life better by making it only a click away.
            Google is another website that is making mandatory changes to their websites in the next couple of months. Google isn’t really making changes to their website but to their policy. The changes will not affect the way that the individuals search but their privacy may be invaded. The changes that Google are making aren’t as noticeable as Facebook. If you don’t read the new privacy policy, users probably wouldn’t even know the changes. Google changes are mandatory but they will not affect individual’s daily use of Google programs.
            The changes that Google is making to their privacy policy are becoming a concern to many Google users. They are changing their privacy policy so that they can find out more information about their users. This is where problems are starting to evolve as users feel that they are invading their privacy. “…Google the power to take user information from all its services and use that data to learn about a user”  (DeVasher). Google is not giving users the privacy that they should have if they are taking data that users enter in Google and using it for their advantage.
            The privacy changes to Google will help make better use of the site. How this will make use make better use of the site is questionable and is what users are worried about. “…it’s a matter of serving up better data for each user” (Markey). It will make better use for Google because they can easily get more information about user but they are not saying how it will make the site better for the users. Google will have access to certain information such as user’s location, user’s phone number, device specific information, search inquiries, and so much more. Several users do not like the idea of Google taking something that is very precious to them such as their privacy.
            The change that Google is making will give them more control. It’s giving them control of the information that we provide and search daily using the search engine. “…important questions about how much control Google users will have over their personal information”.
We want have much say so over the information that we want them to know according to the new privacy policy that takes effect on March 1, 2012. Google will have access to any information that we provide that includes personal information that we do not wish to share. In reality, Google is taking control and there is nothing that we can do about. 
Bryan DeVasher used Rep. Edward J. Markey and Marcus Messner (VCU Professor Specializing in Social Media) to gain respect. By using people, that we tend to respect because of their authority the author is using the Ethos appeal to make readers believe that the changes that Facebook are making may not be that harmful but on the other hand the changes that Google are making could bring a concern about user’s privacy. I found the ethical appeal to be somewhat persuasive because the author used people that we trust to help users form an opinion on the issue from an expert point of view.
            Author Bryan DeVasher use of logical appeals to support his claim that changes are about to be made and there is nothing that we can do about it is so appealing. I found the logical appeals to be persuasive because the author used facts to support his reasoning that changes are being made and that we have no power. Google is making changes to their privacy policy and the only way to opt out of the policy is to delete your account.  We the users have no control over what we want as these websites are taking over and we are basically giving them all the power.
            The author is trying to cater to the reader emotions by using users from the websites and getting their opinion on the change. DeVasher created an image that the readers can identify with. He tries to rally up anger in us by saying things like we have no power over Facebook or Google. “A Facebook profile should not be available to be viewed by anyone, but only by people you know and trust”. In this quote, he is saying that these websites are making it easier for people to invade our privacy. I found the emotional appeal persuasive because DeVasher makes a point to his readers that people are concern with the little things such as the new design instead of the way that users will be able to view our information in just one click.
            Change is a part of society and it’s just something that we are going to have to get use to because it happens daily. The internet changes, the way that people communicate is changing, the way people apply for jobs, and so much more. DeVasher used several reasons for the site making these changes and that users should be concerned because their life and personal information will not be private anymore. We are living in a day and time where users do not have power especially when it comes to changes that are going to be made which is the effective argument that DeVasher  argued effectively in his argument.


DeVasher, Bryan. "Mandatory Changes for Facebook, Google Users Reignite Debate." Richmond Times Dispatch. 27 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 Jan. 2012.