Friday, May 4, 2012

Evaluation of Learning and Performance

Evaluation of Learning and Performance

Learning outcomes are statements that specify what students will know or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a course. The outcomes in English 112 are very similar to the learning outcomes in English 111. English 111 assisted me by taking the skills that I already had and prepared me for academic, professional, and personal communication but English 112 assisted me by strengthening those skills. In English 112, I had the chance to extend my understanding of and experience with rhetorical knowledge, critical thinking, reading, writing processes, oral communication, and digital technologies with an emphasis on argumentation and academic research while gaining knowledge that I can use as a professional in college and my career.

In English 112, I got the opportunity to gain more knowledge of rhetoric comprehensively. I learned that rhetoric is the study of all effective communication. I was taught how to make an argument persuasive enough to change the beliefs of others by using the three appeals of the appeals triangle. The appeals are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos is a person credibility or reputation. Pathos is creating an emotional reaction in the audience and logos is using facts, ideas, or logic to prove a point. I also got the chance to expand my knowledge by learning more about the rhetorical triangle. The rhetorical triangle consists of the author, message, and audience. The rhetorical triangle was a visual version of how an author crafts their message to meet their agenda. An example of a piece of rhetoric we studied in class that would help me demonstrate all that I learned about rhetoric is the famous “I Have A Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. By using the information that I learned about rhetoric I was able to apply it to the “I Have A Dream” speech. The Rhetorical Triangle assisted me with understanding that Dr. Martin Luther King main purpose was to craft a message that we will one day have a color blind society and deliver it to his audience which whom were all that lived in America. I learned that Dr. Martin Luther King used the three appeals to persuade others. He used his reputation as a preacher (Ethos), created an angry emotion among the people (Pathos), and used facts and ideas such as the words from the constitution to prove his argument (Logos). The things I learned about rhetoric have helped me in determining how to deliver a message to meet my audience needs and using the three appeals to gain credibility among the audience.

In the process of learning more about the appeals and rhetorical triangle, I got the chance to analyze an argument from the editorials to write a rhetorical analysis. With the rhetorical analysis, my task was to tell if the claim that author was making was effective or ineffective. The worksheet for an argument analysis helped me in constructing my essay and it also gave me more knowledge on how to analyze an article. I learned that the claim is what the author is arguing about concerning their topic.  The reasons are what the author gives for believing their claim. For every reason, we can describe the reason for appealing and there is evidence. Also, I received deeper understanding of fallacies, counterargument, persuasiveness of appeals and how they all are part of analyzing an argument. Citing a source was something else I learned while in the process of writing my analysis. Even though it was something that I had already knew I didn’t know there we so many formats. Being able to construct my own rhetorical analysis gave me hands-on experience with analyzing an argument and putting the skills that I learned to use.  

Critical Thinking and Reading were also some of the learning outcomes that I was successful at learning. I learned that Critical Thinking is gaining a new perspective that you currently do not have. The steps in the critical thinking process are summarize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate. Critical Thinking is essential to developing good arguments in essays which is what I was taught in this English 112 class. In order to read critically one must also think critically about what you are reading. I have learned that training oneself to think critically will also help improve your reading skills. The rules that I was taught to understand critical thinking are to make a decision to read and understand the text (invest time), slow down, and to gain a better understanding than you did when you went in. I put those rules to use when trying to understand the “I Have a Dream speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and when reading the list of virtues and trying to figure out what a person with those virtues would be like. I even made a list of my own virtues with the intentions of understanding how having a list of virtues can help make me a better citizen and person. In order to understand the text I had to slowly reread it several times, analyze, and synthesize in order to get a better understanding. Making associations, concentrating, mastering vocabulary, and allowing sufficient time to study text were some of the things I learned in order to master critical reading.

Learning more about researching was something else that I got the chance to grasp. The primary source is the text/research object. The secondary sources are conversation about a primary research object. While learning more about research I was introduced to the Research Black Box which is the process for research which includes such things as developing a research plan, implementing the plan, modifying the research question and more. The Research Black Box was something that I had never heard of but was very helpful in understanding the research process. I learned that when doing research you should check resources against one another and that better information comes from multiple sources. I also got the chance to be introduced to the Research Triangle which consists of Empirical (Life experience), Print, and Digital which are sources that a person can use when gathering information. Learning how to take research notes was another task that I mastered. I learned that a research note begins with a / and ends with a /. I also learned that every note contains a single idea that might be useful in assuring my research question. When taking research notes one must cite the sources and note if the idea is a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary and also include the date and time. As I learned more about researching there was so much I did not know but I got the chance to learn more about it in English 112.

The writing process was another one of the learning outcomes that I got the chance to learn about in English 112. The steps of the writing process are pre-writing, drafting, revision, proofreading, and publishing. In the pre-writing stage, the topic should be determined and one should start to research. Drafting is when you begin to put all the information together in your own words. Revision is where you read what you have written again and make changes. Proofreading is when you check for spelling and grammar errors and publishing is sharing the finish product with others. When publishing there are several formatting styles that can be used. One of the formats that I got to learn more about was the MLA. I learned that good writing is writing that helps you meet your agenda with your intended audience and in order to be a good writer I must know what I want to accomplish. The Writing Process and the information on how to be a good writer was a learning outcome that wasn’t new to me but I took the things that I already knew and recently learned in English 112 to help me produce superior papers.

In English 112, I learned how to properly communicate orally. Before entering English 112, I did not know there was so much one should know in order to be able to communicate efficiently. I got the chance to learn about the art of conversations which has made a better communicator. The rules for the art of conversation are get to know individuals names, actively listen, and list more than you talk. In class, I got the chance to practice my communication skills and it has benefited me in numerous ways. I learned that eye contact, distance, and an individual standing position can tell you more about them. While in groups, I definitely got the chance to practice my listening skills which was something that I really needed to work on. I also got the chance to learn from others. The more you listen the more you learn. The goals of a conversation are to gain a better understanding of the topic, the people around you and the world. Next is to be honest and open, enjoy yourself, and practice your skills. I can truly say coming into English 112, I wasn’t taught the ins and outs of communicating. I did not have the opportunity to learn the rules or the goals that I have been taught in English 112. I did not know that rhetoric was a major factor in communication. I learned this by studying the “I Have A Dream” speech. Oral communication is one of the learning outcomes that I can truly say I have mastered because I can demonstrate it in the way that I conversate with others.

Digital technologies is a topic I thought I knew the ins and out about. It turned out that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. There were so many things that I learned how to do digitally that I didn’t even think was possible. I learned how to create a blog and use Google docs as a word processor. I also learned how to make a word a hyperlink and the format for publishing online. Learning how to use digital technologies is one of the learning outcomes that I successfully accomplished in English 112.  

A blog is something that I have heard of but never used it. I never knew the many things that it could be used for or even how to use it for that matter. In English 112, I gained knowledge about blogs and how to use them for my own advantage. I learned that blogs can be used and seen by people all over the world. In this class we used the blogs to make ours papers electronic and for others to comment on.

Another digital tool that I learned to use is Google Docs. I have been a Google user for many years but this is the first time I have ever heard of Google Docs. Google Docs can be used as a word processor making it convenient for users to access their papers or anything that they type online. It automatically saves your work and is as easy as a click to get access to it. While using Google Docs I learned that anything that I want to type up can be saved into my e-mail account and accessed as long as I have access to the internet.  Using Google Docs has helped me become a more organized student and is easier way for me to access my documents.  

The things I learned in English 112 will make me a better student and has sort of already have. This evaluation wasn’t the easiest paper to write because when having to evaluate yourself and give yourself a grade it’s hard. Of course, you want to say that you should get an A but in reality a person that deserves an A is a person that has mastered everything that they learned. And I don’t believe I have mastered everything I learned because there is so much more to learn. As far as attendance and participation I definitely attended class regularly and when I missed a day it was an emergency or I just couldn’t make it. When I did miss a day I sent an e-mail asking what would I be missing. When it comes to participation I participated in everything that we did from the group discussions to doing the homework.  The grade that I think I deserve is a B because I am able to demonstrate and make use of most of the things that I have learned in English 112.

The purpose of English 112 was to strengthen the skills that I learned in English 111 and I honestly can say that the purpose has been fulfilled. I will leave English 112 knowing more than I knew when I came in. I have developed strategies to become an active, critical, and analytical reader of texts. English 112 has extended my understanding of rhetoric, critical thinking, reading, and the writing process. It has also extended my understanding of oral communication skills and digital technologies. In English 112, I did not only learn information that I could use while in college. I learned information that I will be able to use in the present and future!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Research Black Box

Midterm Evaluation

TaNika Phillips
Dr. Stephen Brandon
English 112-08PR
19 March 2012
Evaluation of Learning and Performance

Learning outcomes are statements that specify what students will know or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a course. The outcomes in English 112 are very similar to the learning outcomes in English 111. English 111 assisted me by taking the skills that I already had and prepared me for academic, professional, and personal communication but English 112 assisted me by strengthening those skills. In English 112, I learned several things but the things that I think were most important and beneficial to me were gaining understanding of rhetoric, how to communicate efficiently and gaining understanding of the critical thinking, reading, and writing process.
In English 112, I got the opportunity to gain more knowledge of rhetoric comprehensively. I learned that rhetoric is the study of all effective communication. I was taught how to make an argument persuasive enough to change the beliefs of others by using the three appeals of the appeals triangle. The appeals are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos is a person credibility or reputation. Pathos is creating an emotional reaction in the audience and Logos is using facts, ideas, or logic to prove a point. I also got the chance to expand my knowledge by learning more about the rhetorical triangle. The rhetorical triangle consists of the author, message, and audience. The rhetorical triangle was a visual version of how an author crafts their message to meet their agenda. An example of a piece of rhetoric we studied in class was the famous “I Have A Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. By using the information that I learned about rhetoric I was able to apply it to the “I Have A Dream” speech. Dr. Martin Luther King crafted a message that we will one day have a color blind society and delivered it to his audience which whom were all that lived America. Dr. Martin Luther King used the three appeals to persuade others. He used his reputation as a preacher, created an angry emotion among the people, and used facts and ideas such as the words from the constitution to prove his argument. The things I learned about rhetoric have helped me in determining how to deliver a message to meet the audience needs.
While gaining more knowledge about rhetoric I learned how to be a better writer. In order to be a good writer, one must know what they want to accomplish. I put this skill to use by analyzing an article from the editorial section of the newspaper and composing an essay about what the author’s claim was and using evidence and the appeals to support my argument. Also writing this evaluation essay of the learning outcomes has helped me demonstrate what it takes to be a good writer. For example, in this essay I know that my goal is to tell the things that I learned in English 112 and support my thesis by providing evidence. Good writing is writing that helps you meet your agenda with your intended audience by determining their needs and expectations.
In English 112, I learned how to properly communicate orally. Before entering English 112, I did not know there was so much one should know in order to be able to communicate efficiently. I got the chance to learn about the art of conversations which has made a better communicator. The rules for the art of conversation are get to know individuals names, actively listen, and list more than you talk. In class, I got the chance to practice my communication skills and it has benefited me in numerous ways. I learned that eye contact, distance, and an individual standing position can tell you more about them. While in groups, I definitely got the chance to practice my listening skills which was something that I really needed to work on. I also got the chance to learn from others. The more you listen the more you learn. The goals of a conversation are to gain a better understanding of the topic, the people around you and the world. Next is to be honest and open, enjoy yourself, and practice your skills. I can truly say coming into English 112, I wasn’t taught the ins and outs of communicating. I did not have the opportunity to learn the rules or the goals that I am being taught in English 112. I did not know that rhetoric was a major factor in communication. I learned this by studying the “I Have A Dream” speech. Oral communication is one of the learning outcomes that I can truly say I have mastered because I can demonstrate it in the way that I conversate with others.
Critical Thinking, Reading, and the Writing Process were also some of the learning outcomes that I was successful at learning. I learned that Critical Thinking is gaining a new perspective that you currently do not have. The steps in the critical thinking process are summarize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate. I also learned that Critical Thinking, Critical Reading, and the Writing Process are parallel. Critical Thinking is essential to developing good arguments in essays which is what I was taught in this English 112 class. In order to read critically one must also think about what you are reading. I have learned that training oneself to think critically will also help improve reading and writing skills. The rules that I was taught to understand critical thinking are to make a decision to read and understand the text, slow down, and gain better understanding than you did when you went in. I put those rules to use when trying to understand the “I Have a Dream speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In order to understand the text I had to slowly reread it several times which gave me a better understanding of the speech. I also learned ways to master critical reading which were make associations, concentrate, master vocabulary, and allow sufficient time. 
The writing process was another one of the learning outcomes that I got the chance to learn about in English 112. The steps of the writing process are pre-writing, drafting, revision, proofreading, and publishing. In the pre-writing stage, is when the topic should be determined and one should start to research. Drafting is when you begin to put all the information together in your own words. Revision is where you read what you have written again and make changes. Proofreading is when you check for spelling and grammar errors and publishing is sharing the finish product with others. One of the biggest things I learned was that rhetorical elements are essential when it comes to writing because they can be a guide to help you think during the writing process. The Writing Process is a learning outcome that was not new to me but I took the things that I already knew and recently learned in English 112 to help me produce superior papers.
The purpose of English 112 is to strengthen the skills that I learned in English 111 and I honestly can say that the purpose has been fulfilled. I will leave English 112 knowing more than I knew when I came in. I have developed strategies to become an active, critical, and analytical reader of texts. The grade that I feel I deserve would be a B because I am able to demonstrate and make use of everything that I have learned. I believe a person that deserves an A is a person that has mastered everything that was taught. I can honestly say that even the people that study rhetoric which was one of the learning outcomes have not mastered it. I feel that there is so much more to learn and know about rhetoric therefore I cannot say that I should get an A in the class. English 112 has extended my understanding of rhetoric, critical thinking, reading, and the writing process. It has also extended my understanding of oral communication skills. In English 112 I didn’t only learn information that I could use while in college. I learned information that I will be able to use in the present and the future!

Correct & Incorrect Posture-Conversation

Extra Credit -Fallacies

Extra Credit-Fallacies

Fallacies are defects that weaken arguments.

***Ad hominem
"It's just what you'd expect from a guy who had a Swiss bank account," says a new 30-second television ad,”-President Obama Ad. President Obama ad is attacking the man rather than attacking his position/argument.

***Argumentum ad populum:Appealing to the public
“We're tired of the old politics as usual. And that's why, with all due respect, I do respect your years in the U.S. Senate, but I think Americans are craving something new and different and that new energy and that new commitment that's going to come with reform.”-Sarah Palin

Google Docs.

E-mail from being absent