Thursday, May 3, 2012

Draft for Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies
Digital technologies is a topic I thought I knew the ins and out about. It turned out that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. There were so many things that I learned how to do digitally that I didn’t even think was possible. I learned how to create a blog, use Google docs as a word processor, and that creating drafts online were so convenient. I also learned how to make a word a hyperlink and the format for publishing online. Learning how to use digital technologies is one of the learning outcomes that I successfully accomplished in English 112.  
 A blog is something that I have heard of but never used it. I never knew the many things that it could be used for or even how to use it for that matter. In English 112, I gained knowledge about blogs and how to use them for my own advantage. I learned that blogs can be used and seen by people all over the world. I also learned how to comment on other people blogs and see the things that they have posted.  I also gained knowledge on how to make a word an hyperlink so that your audience can go straight to a post. In this class we used the blogs to make ours papers electronic and for others to comment on.
Another digital tool that I learned to use is Google Docs. I have been a google user for many years but this is the first time I have ever heard of Google Docs. Google Docs can be used as a word processor making it convenient for users to access their papers or anything that they type. It automatically saves your work and is as easy as a click to get access to it. While using Google Docs I learned that anything that I want to type up can be saved into my e-mail account and accessed as long as I have access to the internet.  Using Google Docs has helped me become a more organized student and an easier way for me to access my documents.
In English 112, is where I learned how to make a blog and use Google Docs for my own advantage.  Not only did I learn how I could use Google Docs for a word processor I can also use it for presentations and spreadsheets. Digital technologies was one of those lessons I thought that I wouldn’t have to pay attention to because I am a computer freak and when it comes to computers I am sort of an expert. I spend most of my life on computers. The thing that I truly learned from this lesson is there are always going to be things that you don’t know and you will learn something new every day. The things I learned in English 112 about digital technologies I will be able to use in my future.

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